
0009 Pricing refresh for 2025

AuthorJames Perkins

We need to update our pricing for 2025


Our pricing has been the same for the past 12 months, while we want stability we also want to ensure we are competitive in the market. We are proposing a refresh of our pricing and free tier to ensure we are competitive and can continue to grow our business.


Our whole ethos has always been "Making developers lives easier" and we want to continue to do that. We want to ensure that we are competitive in the market and that we are providing value to our customers, and currently our pricing has two main issues:

  1. Unexpected bills due to the way we charge for requests, can be scary.
  2. Confusing pricing structure that is only getting more confusing as we add more features a. Ratelimiting b. API key verification c. What consisitutes a valid request?

We have seen a lot of growth in the past 12 months and we want to ensure that we can continue to grow by making it easier for developers to adopt, and scale with us.

Details of the pricing refresh

Firstly we are moving away from "verifications" and moving towards using the "requests", this will make it easier to transition into our new features we rely directly on requests.

For reference our current pricing is:

2.5k Valid Verifications150k Valid VerificationsXM Valid Verifications
100k Valid Ratelimits2.5M Valid RatelimitsXM Valid Ratelimits
7 days Logs90 Days LogsX Days Logs
30 days Audit90 Days AuditX Days Audit
1k API keys1M API Keys1M API Keys
Unlimited APIsUnlimited APIsUnlimited APIs

Charge for additional requests:

  • $1 per 10k
  • $1 per 100k (Ratelimits)

Proposal for 2025

When we met in October 2024, we discussed moving to buckets of requests, where a developer can have a certain number of requests per month. This is similar to other SaaS products like Resend or Dub.

FreePro Tier 1Pro Tier 2Pro Tier 3Pro Tier 4Pro Tier 5Pro Tier 6Pro Tier 7Enterprise
150k RequestsUp To 250,000 RequestsUp To 500,000 RequestsUP To 1M RequestsUp To 2,000,000 RequestsUp to 10M RequestsUp to 50M RequestsUp 100M RequestsXM requests
7 Days Logs90 Days Logs90 Days Logs90 Days Logs90 Days Logs90 Days Logs90 Days Logs90 Days LogsX Days Logs
30 days Audit90 Days Audit90 Days Audit90 Days Audit90 Days Audit90 Days Audit90 Days Audit90 Days AuditX Days Audit
1k API keys1M API Keys1M API Keys1M API Keys1M API Keys1M API Keys1M API Keys1M API Keys1M API Keys
Unlimited APIsUnlimited APIsUnlimited APIsUnlimited APIsUnlimited APIsUnlimited APIsUnlimited APIsUnlimited APIsUnlimited APIs

To provide context 100M API Key verifications on the old pricing would cost $10,010.00 but on the new pricing would cost $1,000.00.

What is counted as a successful request?

A successful request means everything is fine and you should grant access to the user. Requests may be unsuccessful due to exceeding limits, keys being expired or disabled, or other factors. To protect your business from abuse, we do not charge for unsuccessful requests.

What happens if I exceed my tier?

If you exceed your tier, we will continue to allow traffic to flow and won’t charge you for the additional usage. If you API continues to exceed the tier we will advise you to upgrade to the next tier up.


Standalone ratelimiting becomes more expensive as a SaaS scales however adding more requests to the free tier will help offset this. This seems like a win for scaling into the product, and getting more eyes on it, rather than a negative.


The only alternative considered so far:

  1. Keeping the pro tier as Pay as you go, while also adding bucket pricing. This could cause additional confusion, or even more support requests as they realize bucketing is much cheaper.

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